Various Types of Dental Implants

Did your dentist suggest a dental implant surgery? If yes, you need to ponder upon the type of dental implant that would be the most appropriate for you. You can also consult your dentist in this regard. With the emergence of new dental technologies, various types of dental implants are ruling the scenario. The different types of dental implants are endosteal implants, subperiosteal implants, and zygomatic implants. Some other techniques include bone augmentation, sinus lift, and ridge expansion. The dental implant dentists implement the latest accessories in their operations and thereby, fixing the dental issues of patients within a short period.

Common Types of Dental Implants

The Various Types Of Dental Implants Are Listed As Follows:

Endosteal Implants

It is the most common type of dental implant. Dentists suggest this implant technique to most patients. However, you need to have a good, healthy jawbone for undergoing an endosteal implant. Doctors place crews into the jaws of patients. Thereafter, the false teeth are fitted on this jaw. A major advantage of this procedure is that it requires a little time to heal. These implants only require the time to fuse and create a stronghold. When the jawbone is healed, dentists place the false teeth onto the post. Eventually, these false teeth fit into the surrounding teeth structure. Clinics that offer services of dental implants in New Smyrna Beach give effective suggestions to individuals regarding the maintenance of their oral health.

Subperiosteal Implants

This dental implant type is the major alternative to endosteal implants. Unlike endosteal implants, subperiosteal implants are fitted on top of the jawbone. After this process, dentists place a metal frame under the gum. A post is attached to the metal frame during this process. Thereafter, the false teeth are fixed to the poles that arise from the gum. Doctors suggest this dental implant technique when a patient does not have enough jawbone to undergo endosteal implant surgery. If you do not want to go through an intensive oral surgery, a subperiosteal implant is the best option.

Zygomatic Implants

It is undoubtedly the least common type of dental implants. You should undergo a zygomatic implant only if it is suggested by your dentist. Do not opt for this implant by going on your whims. It can prove to be futile in the long-run. More often, the dental implant dentists deliver emergency services for the convenience of individuals. Zygomatic implants are far more complex than endosteal and subperiosteal implants. If you don’t possess enough jawbone, your dentist will not suggest a zygomatic implant under any circumstances. However, in this case, dentists place the implant in the patient’s cheekbone rather than the jawbone.

All the above-mentioned dental implant types have benefits under special situations. Doctors who provide services of dental implants in New Smyrna Beach have tons of professional experience that make individuals opt for them. If you are facing any dental issue, go to a dentist and he/she can suggest the appropriate dental type you need.

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